

China strengthens training of African fisheries personnel to serve the promotion of African fisheries development


Participation "China is a big aquaculture country, and the development of the African aquaculture industry needs China's advanced technology and management experience," said Paboy Abedna, assistant director of the Fisheries Commission of the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture of Ghana, in the "2016 Aquaculture Technology for English-speaking African Countries" hosted by the Ministry of Commerce The training course has built a very good learning and exchange platform to help participants improve their technical level and better serve to promote the development of fisheries in Africa," he said at the training course.

China attaches importance to fisheries cooperation with African countries and is anxious to provide aquaculture training to Africa. The training courses take various forms, in addition to the daily lectures, there are also field trips. For example, in the aquaculture training course held in Wuxi, African trainees made an on-site visit to the eel farming base. In the eel farming shed, the training teacher introduced in detail the eel farming base and the current production operation, the African fisheries officials raised questions about the construction of net box facilities, daily management, yield efficiency, ecological impact, etc. were answered in detail.

Talent training not only needs to be "invited in", China also insists on training "going out". Data from the Ministry of Agriculture shows that Chinese enterprises have employed more than 5,000 local crew members in Africa, and tens of thousands of local people in land-based office buildings, processing plants and docks. At the same time, Chinese enterprises also provide skills training for local personnel according to intergovernmental agreements or fishing agreements, and have trained thousands of fishing professionals for Guinea-Bissau, helped it carry out marine fisheries resource surveys, built fishing boats and developed industrial fishing free of charge, and trained a large number of fishing and ship repair professionals for Morocco.

Nowadays, China has become one of the most important development partners of Africa. China is willing to continuously deepen the cooperation between China and Africa in the field of fishery to meet the needs of Africa's livelihood development mainly, without any political conditions attached, covering the African continent extensively, which is warmly welcomed by African people and also shows the international morality and responsibility of China.